International Arbitration Lawyers
International arbitration is an attractive option for resolving disputes efficiently, effectively and confidentially.
With offices in many of the world’s major arbitration centres, including London, Paris, Geneva, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore, we are ideally placed to work with you both to prevent and to resolve disputes as they arise, whatever the law, language, rules industry sector or/subject matter of that dispute may be. Our dedicated multicultural and multilingual specialists conduct arbitrations under both civil and common law systems and, in many different languages, and regularly act in arbitration-related domestic court proceedings.
Whether you are a state, a state-owned entity, a sovereign wealth fund, a corporate, a sports federation or authority, private business or individual, our strategically focused specialists will work alongside you through every aspect of any arbitration. From drafting complex arbitration clauses, through advising and representing you in any disputes that may arise, to helping locate assets and to enforce arbitral awards, we will work tirelessly to secure the very best possible outcome.
International Commercial Arbitration
In an increasingly complex world, we are entrusted by our clients with their most important commercial disputes across a range of industry sectors.
As your trusted advisor, we will guide you throughout the arbitration process, from the drafting of the arbitration clause, through any arbitration proceedings (including the advocacy), to post-award proceedings. Our team includes sitting arbitrators, offering a unique perspective from the tribunal’s viewpoint, and has experience of all the leading arbitration institutions and their rules.
Our clients are at the very heart of what we do, and we use our deep experience and understanding of the life cycle of the arbitration process to provide a partner-led, innovative, and cost-effective service that meets your objectives.
For more information, contact Thomas Snider, Richard Kiddell, Patrick Gearon, Frédéric Jeanin or Patrick Chan.
Investment Treaty Arbitration and Public International Law
Our team has a wealth of experience acting both for investors and for states in investment treaty arbitration matters, making us ideally placed to anticipate and advise on the course that any dispute may take and to tailor our case strategy accordingly.
We also have significant experience of inter-state disputes, including and of working with governments throughout the process. Our partner Thomas Snider formerly served as counsel to the Ethiopian Government for several years before the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, an international arbitral tribunal tasked with adjudicating claims arising from violations of international public law that occurred during an international armed conflict.
We also regularly advise investors on the protections that may be available to them in order to best protect their investments, and states looking to minimise or eliminate the possible effects of any measures or actions they may take.
For more information, contact Thomas Snider or Richard Kiddell.
Construction Arbitration
Our Construction team has expansive experience advising clients on international arbitration matters around the globe.
We are adept at being able to distinguish claims or problems which require resolution through dialogue and agreement, and those where dispute resolution is unavoidable. In all events, we combine our project management skills with our legal acumen to achieve a successful outcome for our clients.
Additionally, we regularly advise on dispute avoidance, adjudications, expert determination and other alternative types of dispute resolution.
For more information, contact Kevin Forsyth, Steven Carey, Michael O'Connor, or David Savage.
Sports Arbitration
We act in all sport-related matters where the parties have agreed to arbitration to resolve their dispute.
We have deep and specialist knowledge of sport arbitration. Our experienced partner, Benoît Pasquier, is also an arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland, appearing on two Lists of Arbitrators (General and Football).
Since 2019, Benoît has been appointed in more than 50 sports-related arbitration procedures (appeals proceedings and ordinary proceedings) as president of panels, sole arbitrator or co-arbitrator. In his role as a CAS arbitrator, Benoît has been a member and president of panels in high-profile cases, and has dealt with a myriad of sport-related matters, in particular in relation to disciplinary and doping, match-fixing, governance and regulatory, as well as commercial, agency and employment disputes.
For more information, contact Benoît Pasquier or Edward Craig.
Family Arbitration
Arbitration can be used to resolve family disputes, both in respect of financial and children matters, whether from the outset or in parallel with traditional litigation.
Given the proceedings themselves are confidential, and can be both much more flexible (in terms of forum and structure) and faster than court-based litigation, it is gaining increased prominence and popularity.
Our team has extensive experience in arbitrating family disputes, with William Longrigg also being a trained arbitrator, and were involved in one of the leading cases on arbitration in family law, A v A (Arbitration Guidance) [2021] EWHC 1889, which established the procedure to be followed once an arbitral award has been made.
For more information, contact William Longrigg.

International Arbitration Brochure
With offices in many of the world’s major arbitration centres, including London, Paris, Geneva, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore, we are ideally placed to work with you both to prevent and to resolve disputes as they arise, whatever the law, language, rules industry sector or/subject matter of that dispute may be.
Meet our international arbitration lawyers

They’re head and shoulders above the competition."

What's important to you is important to us. Let's talk
If you would like to speak to a member of our Dispute Resolution team or to find out more about how we work, please get in touch.
International arbitration news & updates
Singaporean Court Declines to Revisit SIAC Registrar’s Administrative Decision
Thomas R. Snider
A Closer Look at the Meaning of ‘Investor’ in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Stephen Chan
Energy Transition Disputes: What we're seeing and what we're expecting
Peter Brabant
Charles Russell Speechlys strategically enhances its European operations with the arrival of new Partner Aline Wey Speirs in Switzerland
Aline Wey Speirs
Document Production in French Set-aside Proceedings: limited powers despite an increasingly extensive scrutiny of the set aside judge
Simon Le Wita
Winding-Up Applications and Arbitral Clauses – The English and Hong Kong Courts Diverge
Gareth Mills
Emergency Arbitrations – what they are and when to use them
Alim Khamis FCIArb
Charles Russell Speechlys hosts its second International Arbitration Conference in London
Gareth Mills
Quick Reads
Choosing the applicable law for a Construction Contract – the case for ‘the law of the DIFC’
Glenn Bull
BBC News quotes Jamie Cartwright on a wrongful death lawsuit relating to a severe allergic reaction at Disney World
Jamie Cartwright
In the Press