Oliver advises on a wide range of contentious property issues, both commercial and residential.
He acts for both landlords and tenants and advises on issues such as break rights, lease renewals and forfeiture/possession actions.
Oliver also advises on other matters such as easements, restrictive covenants, and adverse possession. He has experience in advising on the in-occupation regime and litigation arising out of the Building Safety Act 2022, as well as fire safety issues more generally.
Oliver has written on property issues for Lexis Nexis.
Oliver Park is admitted to practise in England and Wales.
Advising two major nationwide charities assisting on managing their commercial property portfolios (with an emphasis on lease renewals/terminations under the 1954 Act).
Settling a professional negligence action on behalf of a Pharmacy client against a former legal adviser.
Advising a landlord in respect of the forfeiture of a lease of an unused hotel and in the resulting proceedings.