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Maria Cristiana Felisi


Maria Cristiana Felisi is an accomplished Italian lawyer with expertise in commercial and civil law, focusing on international family law and wealth management.



Maria Cristiana Felisi is a seasoned expert in commercial law, civil law, and civil procedure, with a focus on inheritance disputes and family law matters, particularly with international aspects. She has extensive experience in wealth and succession planning, as well as structuring family and business assets through wills, trusts, foundations, and corporations.

Maria Cristiana is enrolled in the Milan Bar and is a qualified STEP member and serves as a Qualified Family Officer with AIFO (the Italian Family Officer Association) and is a seasoned professional corporate mediator. She is a member of the Family Law Commission of the Milan Bar.

Maria Cristiana earned a law degree from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.  She is admitted to the Milan Bar and is also authorised to practice before the Italian “Corte di Cassazione” (Supreme Court of Cassation). 


  • Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
  • Professional corporate mediator
  • Member of the Family Law Commission of the Milan Bar Association

Recent Publications

  • Successione e indegnità: chi può essere escluso dall'eredità, M. Felisi, in We Wealth, 23/09/2024
  • Accordi prematrimoniali in Italia: tra risvolti giuridici e pianificazione patrimoniale, M. Felisi, in Oltre la finanza, 08/08/2024
  • Masse plurime: divisione della comunione e successioni ereditarie, M. Felisi, in We Wealth, 11/07/2024
  • Eredità e successione: il diritto di abitazione del coniuge superstite, M. Felisi, in We Wealth, 24/06/2024
  • La consolidata stabile convivenza costituisce motivo di revisione dell’assegno divorzile, M. Felisi, in Il Quotidiano Giuridico, 14/05/2024
  • Testamento internazionale: come funziona e cosa sapere, M. Felisi, in We Wealth, 12/04/2024
  • Assegno divorzile: da rivedersi se lei ha cambiato stile di vita con un nuovo compagno, M. Felisi, in Il Quotidiano Giuridico, 22/02/2024
  • Testamento olografo: quali caratteristiche lo rendono valido, M. Felisi, in We Wealth, 22/01/2024
  • Non è patto successorio la donazione condizionata alla premorienza del donante malato terminale, M. Felisi, in Il Quotidiano Giuridico, 09/01/2024


  • Assistance in estate and succession planning;
  • Litigation in multiple jurisdictions for the defence of heirs, beneficiaries and trustees in succession and family disputes;
  • Assistance in voluntary jurisdiction procedures for the protection of incapacited persons and minors;
  • Assistance in ADR and mediation procedures;
  • Assistance to domestic and international clients in the purchase of real estate;
  • Advising families in planning the generational transition of the family business, also with corporate advice.
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