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Anne-Marie Boissonnas


Anne-Marie advises entrepreneurs, private equity investors, family and private groups and company directors and managers on French and international taxation.



Anne-Marie advises entrepreneurs, private equity investors, family and private groups and company directors and managers on French and international taxation. She assists with the implementation of legal and tax optimisation strategies, at French and international level, with a particular focus on the structuring and transfer of private and family groups (creation, transfers, private equity or fund investments, transmissions and donations of companies), taxation of family shareholders and managers of companies (wealth tax, capital gains, financial products, remuneration optimisation and diversification etc.), creation of hybrid entities (partnerships etc.), investment (life insurance, financial products, real estate investments etc.) and international mobility.


  • WWL-private-client-2023

Our thinking

  • Sarah Bergougnoux and Anne-Marie Boissonnas write for City AM, as part of our Paris Olympics series, on whether France will remain an attractive tax jurisdiction for professional sportspeople

    Sarah Bergougnoux

    In The Press

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