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Charles Russell Speechlys welcomes insolvency litigation specialist in Dubai

Charles Russell Speechlys today announces the appointment of Partner, Nicola Jackson, who joins the Firm’s Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency (CRI) team in Dubai. Nicola was previously co-lead of Clyde & Co’s Insolvency & Restructuring-Related Disputes and Contentious Advisory Practice in the Middle East and her arrival will further strengthen Charles Russell Speechlys’ cross-border insolvency credentials.

Nicola has over 15 years on the ground experience in the Middle East and is considered one of the most prominent and experienced CRI litigators in the region. She advises her client base of creditors, debtors and insolvency practitioners on a wide range of insolvency-related disputes in the UAE and beyond, including companies and office holders in relation to both pre-formal insolvency process strategies and strategies for dealing with disputes within formal insolvency processes.

Nicola specialises in commercial and financial disputes before the DIFC (Dubai International Finance Centre) and ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market) Courts and has acted on several high profile and/or seminal cases in this regard, including Credit Suisse v Goel, which was a seminal case which developed the line of jurisprudence relating to jurisdiction challenges in the DIFC Courts. In addition, she has experience acting for both local and international clients on commercial disputes before arbitration tribunals across multiple jurisdictions and under various institutional rules. 

Patrick Gearon, Partner and Head of Charles Russell Speechlys’ Middle East practice, comments:

"We have a market-leading reputation in the Gulf region for dealing with high value, complex insolvency disputes evidenced by our work on the Awal Bank administration/liquidation (which involved acting in 75 cases worldwide) and many other large scale restructuring projects. Nicola’s addition to the Dubai team will further enhance our cross-border disputes credentials and allow for greater collaboration with our existing CRI teams in Dubai, Bahrain, Paris, and the UK. Nicola also boosts our bench strength for DIFC/ADGM court matters, investigations and international arbitration work."

Nicola Jackson, Partner, adds:

"Charles Russell Speechlys has a strong reputation in the Middle East and global market, and an inspiring spirit of entrepreneurship. My practice closely aligns with the Firm's market focus and its growth plans, and I look forward to the opportunities that it presents. As part of the wider team, I am excited to help build the CRI practice in the Middle East and forge new connections through the Firm's international networks."

Nicola's appointment closely follows the arrival of Real Estate Partner, Nicholas Burt, to its Cheltenham office.

Related coverage

CDR Magazine, FT Full Disclosure, Wealth Briefing, The OathLaw-Middle East, Family Wealth Report , Debtwire 

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