Mark White writes for Care Home Professional on how Labour's manifesto might affect care home operators and their property portfolios
Following the results of the General Election earlier this year, we now have a Labour government with a robust majority.
Mark White, Partner in our Real Estate team, writes an article for Care Home Professional on the back of this, looking at what it might mean for care home professionals, particularly those looking to buy or build new facilities and expand their property portfolios.
Mark explains that Labour's majority "should allow the new government to push through a number of their key priorities quickly". He continues:
Whilst many in the care sector were disappointed with the lack of specific policies in the Labour manifesto, if we dig a little deeper following the King’s Speech there are a number of areas that are going to be very important to consider in terms of both unlocking a pipeline of new care homes and then turning those into profitable operations.
He goes onto explain that care home operators looking to expand their portfolios and build or acquire new facilities should track the following areas particularly closely:
- Planning reform
- Private partnerships
- Cost pressures
Read the full article in Care Home Professional here.