Property Week quotes Cara Imbrailo on Rishi Sunak scrapping MEES requirements for residential landlords
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that government has scrapped requirements for residential landlords to meet minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES).
During a speech on the government’s updated plans for net zero carbon emissions, Sunak said requirements for landlords to meet an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ’C’ or above by 2028 will be scrapped due to the significant financial costs on property owners.
Cara Imbrailo, Partner, provides comment for Property Week:
Sunak’s announcements come as no surprise after Whitehall sources previously indicated plans to delay energy efficiency targets and overhaul what is required of landlords so as not to ‘overburden’ them with the costs of making a green switch.
Whilst this news is likely to be welcomed by landlords, arguably it is only a temporary reprieve. The private rented sector accounts for 20% of the UK’s housing stock, which is thought to be responsible for 15% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. If the government is serious about reducing emissions and reaching net zero, improving the energy efficiency of the private rented sector is unavoidable and a question of “when, not if.
Read the full article in Property Week here.