South West Business Insider quotes Sara Wilson on social media policies in the workplace
Most businesses understand the power of using social media but how many have robust policies in place to ensure they can deal with issues if things go wrong? Jayne Howarth speaks to Sara Wilson, Legal Director, on social media policies in the workplace and rules of engagement.
See a snippet of her interview below:
Sara emphasises how essential it is for businesses to have up-to-date social media policies that are fit for purpose.
She comments:
"The general principle in an employment setting is to have a policy which says whether employees are encouraged to use social media during the course of their employment and whether they are permitted to use personal social media during working time.
Sara adds:
"If you're going to say something abusive, defamatory or discriminatory, just because you're saying it on social media and it's on your personal platform, that doesn't prevent you from coming under disciplinary policies."
*Features in print only.