When is 20% not 20%? The real impact of the proposed changes to business property relief on trading companies
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Sarah Wray
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When is 20% not 20%? The real impact of the proposed changes to business property relief on trading companies
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Sarah Wray
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - the inheritance tax Consultation on agricultural and business property
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Sarah Wray
Pet Ownership and Family Breakdown: Transatlantic Treatment of Pets on Divorce
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Miranda Fisher
Living Together in the 2020s: Why more Gen Z’s are Saying 'Yes' to Cohabitation Agreements
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Cara Fung
Children’s Mental Health: a consideration for family law practitioners every week
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Rebecca Arnold
Protecting Premarital Wealth and the Family Home for Molly-Mae
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Miranda Fisher
What is the cost of cohabitation? For Dale Vince, it was over £11m.
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Matt Foster
Jenny from (her agreed share of) the Block: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s mediation settlement
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Sarah Anticoni
They think it’s all over … it is now! Are the changes to non-dom status an own goal against our footballers?
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Joshua Green
The Importance of Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements: Research reveals only one in ten couples have an agreement
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Miranda Fisher
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