Co-parenting arrangements - what are they and what are some of the key considerations?
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Jemimah Fleet
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Co-parenting arrangements - what are they and what are some of the key considerations?
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Jemimah Fleet
High Court finds former unmarried couple hold weekend home as beneficial joint tenants (despite just one funding the whole £1,550,000 purchase price)
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Jemimah Fleet
The rise of cost sanctions in family law proceedings (even against successful parties!)
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Matt Foster
Domestic Abuse Bill - strengthened protection for victims
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Charlotte Posnansky
Common sense prevails in husband’s attempt to charge former wife rent to live in matrimonial home.
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The end of the blame game - introduction of no fault divorce
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Charlotte Posnansky
Lockdown 3.0 - Exceptions to the 'Stay at Home' message; a reminder of the coronavirus rules affecting families
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Charlotte Posnansky