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LGBTQ+ Action Plan

Our LGBTQ+ Action Plan outlines the practical steps our Firm is taking to drive inclusivity and highlights our past achievements in this space.

We are proud that the efforts we have taken to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for our LGBTQ+ colleagues, clients, and the wider community has also been recognised through the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. In 2024, we ranked 15th, which is an increase of 17 places from 2023. We also achieved a Gold Award for third consecutive year.

LGBTQ+ Network

Our LGBTQ+ Network plays an active and crucial role in creating an inclusive environment for our LGBTQ+ colleagues and clients.

The group seeks to promote DEI in the workplace, with a specific focus on the interests of the LGBTQ+ community, through information sharing, providing a safe and supportive space for our LGBTQ+ colleagues, and acting as a representative voice to inform the Firm’s approach. The Network is made up of both those who identify as LGBTQ+ and allies.


Other initiatives

  • Storytelling from colleagues who identify as LGBTQ+ and speaker events to help us all to understand different lived experiences
  • Guidance on how to be an active LGBTQ+ ally at the Firm
  • Introduction of option to add pronouns to our email signature
  • Hosting an annual pre-Pride Party for London Pride
  • Marking LGBT+ History Month, including through launching a video in 2024 which showcased key dates throughout LGBTQ+ history
  • Gender Neutral Drafting guidance to ensure we are mindful of gendered language, no assumptions are made about a person’s gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, and that gender stereotypes are not reinforced
  • Active members of LeGalBesT – a network of law firms that believe they can achieve more together
  • Reverse mentoring programme to help our Firm to foster an inclusive culture by creating opportunities for people to share different perspectives, lived experiences and knowledge.

Our awards, memberships and partnerships

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